Word of the day//month//season:

Fede // Faith

This is old news to some and new news to others…

My name, Imani, means faith. My middle name, Tahira, means pure. Essentially, my name is transliterated as Pure Faith. In my last update, you would have learned about our blessing of a waitress, Faith, who serenaded my mother with Amazing Grace, silencing the restaurant and hyper-hydrating our pupils. Legit encounter… Well in true Tahira travelisms, I started to listen and study the language in real-time application. One Sunday, I had the chance to explore the word: Fedele. This is the word for faithful or devoted.Close enough, I thought, “Maybe this could be my Italian name? Speaking with ps. Davide Di Lecce, he made it clear that the word was a masculine word, and not traditionally a name. His suggestion was something like Fede or Federica. Interestingly enough, I had already met another Federica… my landlord! To recap… First I had my meeting with Destiny on the plane. Then I met my Faith sister that weekend… and now I’m learning that my landlord also shares my name meaning! I got to share this with my landlord, explaining the meaning of my name. She now calls me Fede, further reinforcing the crazy kinda faith (as ps Adam Smallcombe calls it!) that is directing my every step in this new land.

Without Faith // Senza Fede

Without this faith, I would not be who or where I am today. I would have never taken a crazy step (like moving overseas!) I’m forever grateful for the faithfulness of God.

With Faith // Con Fede

I walk with confidence knowing that every step I take is protected in the unbelievable love and grace of God. And even if I lose my ground or misstep, my stumbling faith is still rooted in the Rock that is higher than I (Psalm 61)!

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. // Heb 11:1-3


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